Summary Page
The 13th Annual Meeting of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society was a major success, both professionally and socially.
The success of this event is attributable mainly to the active participants of the meeting – plenary speakers, key note speakers, oral presenters, poster presenters, exhibitors and the audience.
We wish to thank each and every one of you!

The Conference ISRANALYTICA 2010, the 13rd Annual Meeting of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society and the Exhibition took place according to the formed already tradition, in January 19-20, 2010, at the David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
The annual meetings of the Israel Analytical Chemical Society have become one of the largest annual conferences in analytical chemistry in the World. About 3000 participants from academia, the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, petrochemistry and food industry, biochemistry and biology, water experts, engineers, quality managers and metrologists from major laboratories and companies from Israel and from about 20 other countries, attended. About 60 leading companies of analytical equipment have also successfully participated in the conference and exhibition bridging between technology developments and end users. In fact, ISRANALYTICA combines the largest chemistry convention in Israel with the largest analytical chemistry exhibition in one location.
ISRANALYTICA has been recognized by the Analytical Chemistry Division of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (DAC EuCheMS), the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), and the Cooperation for International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry (CITAC).
The scientific program consisted this year of 4 plenary lectures and 14 keynote lectures, delivered by international top scientists; of oral presentations (in 14 parallel sessions) by featuring speakers from Israel and abroad; and of a poster session. On the 1st day there were sessions on mass spectrometry, pharmaceutical analysis, proteomics and bioanalysis, water and environmental analysis, separation methods, nano-analytics, analytical spectroscopy. On the 2nd day metabolomics and bioanalysis, forensic and legal analysis, electrochemistry and spectroscopy applications, food analysis, metrology and quality, education and intellectual properties were the topics of the sessions. Distributions of the lecturers and poster presenters by economies are shown in Fig.1 and Fig. 2, respectively. The paradox was that about 25% only of 3000 participants were attracted by the lectures and the posters, others were busy at the exhibition. The Organizing Committee will study this phenomenon to decide what can be improved.
Three prestigious poster awards were granted by the Conference Organizing Committee to the outstanding posters in the general assembly of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society.
The remarkable success of ISRANALYTICA was primarily due to the participants submitted their presentations, presented their analytical equipment though one of the exhibition booths, or simply attended the conference. It was an excited, interesting and fruitful meeting.
Fig. 1. Lecturer distribution by economies

Fig. 2. Distribution of poster presenters by economies
Total participants: 2972
Scientific Program: 4 plenary sessions, 14 keynote lectures and 59 Oral presentations in 16 Sessions in 4 parallel halls, 46 Posters.
Exhibition: 57 Vendors
Attendance: full, all the time

The David Intercontinental Hotel was a superb location for the event. Its proximity to the beach and major business and cultural centers in Tel-Aviv enabled the participants to enjoy its surroundings. The organization was excellent, with a most efficient and kind staff that took care of hundreds of people at a time with no worry

The exhibition was the largest analytical chemistry exhibition for 2010 in Israel.
It included all the major companies and was most interesting. Its large space enabled social and scientific communication and the relaxed atmosphere allowed new ideas to interact as well as new contacts to be made.
Best Poster Awards
The first prize and a symbolic financial contribution was granted to Inbal Tsarfati (presenting author) & Levi A. Gheber from the Department of Biotechnology engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
for their poster presentation titled:
For the abstract of the poster please click here
For the PDF format of the poster please click here

Pre Conference Event
Gel Permeation Chromatrography (GPC) Systems
Theoretical and Practical Considerations
Behind Advanced, Multi-detector Size-Exclusion Chromatography (SEC)
17 January 2010
Post Conference Event:
CITAC Workshop
21 January 2010
The workshop will cover metrological principles and practice in analytical laboratories important for quality assurance of analytical results, required by GLP & GMP standards, ISO/IEC 17025 standard, spread for competence of testing laboratories, other international documents and regulations. Use of reference materials as measurement standards, calculation of measurement uncertainty of analytical results, traceability of a routine result to national and international measurement standards and System International of Units (SI), interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency testing are the topics of the course.
for Summary of CITAC Workshop please click here
Special activities during the conference: