
Dr. Moheb M. Nasr
Office of New Drug
Quality Assessment,
Center for Drug
Evaluation and
Research, FDA,
Quality by Design
and Pharmaceutical Quality Assessment: Analytical
Aspects |
Moheb Nasr is the Director of the Office of
New Drug Quality Assessment (ONDQA), Center
for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). ONDQA is responsible
for quality assessments (pre and post marketing)
of new drugs regulated by CDER. Dr. Nasr obtained
his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry at the University
of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Dr. Nasr holds
a B.S. degree in Pharmacy and a Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Analysis,
both from Cairo University, Egypt. After a distinguished
academic career, Dr. Nasr joined the FDA in 1990,
and assumed his current position in June, 2003.
Dr. Nasr is leading the restructuring of the
pharmaceutical quality assessment program at
the FDA. Several new concepts, initiatives, and
programs were developed under his leadership;
including the establishment of the new Pharmaceutical
Quality Assessment System (PQAS), CMC Pilot Program,
CMC Regulatory Agreement, and many others. Dr.
Nasr serves as the FDA lead at the International
Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Q8 Expert Working
Group. Dr. Nasr is a member of FDA’s Council
on Pharmaceutical Quality
For full CV please click here
Dr. Moheb M. Nasr will also attend a special session named:
which will take place in Hall C on Wednesday,
January 23rd, 2008 between 10:30 – 12:15 am
Isranalytica 2008 attendents have the opportunity to present Dr. Nasr questions on general issues related to CMC, file applications, FDA policies on pharmaceutical topics and related regulatory issues to one of the more influential FDA experts and to receive, on the spot, insightful answers refering to the ratio and motivation for regulatory activities with reference to general trends in FDA regulations. Participants wishing to present a question are encouraged to send their question/s to Dr. Bar, the session moderator at: rbar@netvision.net.il no later than January 10th, 2008
For further details pls see the Scientific Program.
Prof. R. Graham Cooks
Department of Chemistry,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Towards the Personal Mass Spectrometer: Chemical Analysis in Situ and in Real Time
Graham Cooks was educated
at the University of Natal, South Africa, and at
Cambridge University in the UK. Since 1990 he has
been Henry Bohn Hass Distinguished Professor of
Chemistry at Purdue University.
Cooks has contributed to advances in instrumentation
and methodology for mass spectrometry. By combining
soft ionization with two stages of mass analysis,
he introduced direct analysis of mixtures by
tandem mass spectrometry in the 1970's. He conceived
a kinetic method of estimating thermochemical
properties based on cluster ion dissociation
kinetics He made key contributions - including
the first use of matrices - to the modern desorption
ionization methods. Many novel instruments have
been built in his laboratory, including the first
hybrid instrument and early miniature mass spectrometers.
Dr. Cooks has demonstrated ultra-trace environmental
analysis and reactor control with membrane introduction
mass spectrometry and made significant uses of
tandem mass spectrometry in mechanistic gas-phase
ion chemistry. His studies of ionic collisions
at surfaces included the introduction of ion
soft landing, a method that uses the separation
power of mass spectrometry to soft-land intact
biologically active molecules onto surfaces to
form protein microarrays.
His group is also responsible for the ambient
ionization method of desorption electrospray
ionization (DESI). Dr. Cooks has authored over
800 publications and served as PhD thesis advisor
to more than 100 Ph. D. students.
For full CV
please click here
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Niessner
Institute for Hydrochemistry &
Chair for Analytical Chemistry
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Laser Light or Antibody - Two Good Friends to Analysts
Reinhard Niessner, Full Professor for Analytical Chemistry at the
Technical University of Munich, Germany, was born in 1951. He received a diploma degree in chemistry from the University of Freiburg (1976), a PhD from the University of Dortmund (1981), became a lecturer (1985) and served as a Professor for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the University of Dortmund (1986-1989). He is in his current position since 1989.
His research interests are within Environmental Analytical Chemistry, especially devoted to applications of laser spectroscopy,
chromatography, and immunoserological techniques. The main subjects of interest are aerosols, hydrocolloids and biofilms, within hydro-and atmosphere.
Prof. Niessner received several highly prestigious international awards, e.g. the Emanuel-Merck-Prize for Analytical Chemistry (1990), the Smoluchowski-Award for Aerosol Research of the Association for Aerosol Research (1991), the Fritz-Pregl-Medal of the Austrian Society for Analytical Chemistry (1996) and the Fresenius-Award for Analytical Chemistry of the German Chemical Society (2000).
He is currently an associated editor of the ACS journal “Analytical Chemistry“, and a member of the advisory / editorial boards of ”Analyst“, “Analytical Sciences“, “Microchimica Acta”, “Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry” and “Fresenius Environ-mental Bulletin“.
Up to 425 scientific publications under his authorship appeared in international scientific journals and 92 PhD and 121 diploma students have successfully received their academic qualification under his guidance.
full CV please click here
Prof. Dr.
Wolfgang Lindner
Dept. of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Novel Chiral Ion Exchangers
versus More Established Chiral Stationary Phases
for LC Enantiomer Separations
Wolfgang F. Lindner was appointed
1996 for a Chair of Analytical Chemistry at the
University of Vienna. Already during his studies
his research interest was influenced by pharmaceutical
(life) sciences and by separation sciences related
to HPLC, GC, CE/CEC and MS. In this context particular
interest developed in non-covalent interactions
and molecular recognition with focus on stereochemistry
and enantiomer discrimination. The development
of novel synthetic selectors (receptors) useful
for enantioselective separation techniques lies
at the interface of organic, analytical and biological
chemistry, which characterizes best his scientific
credo. He was trained in Organic Chemistry at
the University of Graz (Austria) receiving his
PhD in 1972. Then he moved on to the Institute
of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in Graz specializing
in pharmaceutical analysis. In 1978 he was awarded
a Max Kade postdoctoral fellowship, which he
held at North Eastern University in Boston (USA)
under the supervision of Prof. Barry L. Karger.
In 1986 he was visiting scientist at the FDA/NIH
in Bethesda (USA) where he got exposed to biological
chemistry, a subject his research group is approaching
from various angles.
Prof. Lindner was editor of Journal of Chromatography
B from 1995 to 2006 and is serving as editorial/advisory
board member for Chirality; Chromatographia;
J. Pharmac. Biomed. Anal.; LC-GC International;
J. Chromatogr. B, J. Biochromatogr.; J. Analytical
and Bioanalytical Chemistry; Current Analytical
He has published more than 300 scientific publications,
holds several patents and is active in educational
programs for diploma and PhD student as well
as for postdoctoral fellows.
full CV please click here
Organized & Produced by: |
Platinum Sponsorship: |
Gold Sponsorship: |
In Cooperation with: |
The Division of Analytical Chemistry
of the European Association for Chemical
and Molecular Sciences
Support: |
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
The Stephen & Nancy Grand Water Research Institute |
האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |