Platinum Sponsorship:

Gold Sponsorship: |

Conference Support: |
The Stephen & Nancy Grand Water Research Institute |
2012 Sponsorship Opportunities
ISRANALYTICA 2012 offers your organization an incredible opportunity to show your support for local and international analytical chemistry industry, research, and development. By sponsoring this event you will also gain exposure to the largest gathering of industry-related professionals in Israel, as well as one of the biggest international conventions in its field.
“Approximately 3000 participants attended, including scientists from academia, government organizations, and the pharmaceutical, chemical, petrochemistry, food, biochemistry, and biological industries, as well as water experts, engineers, quality managers, metrologists, and private contractors.” Krull et al. 2011, LCGC North America. V.29(6): 502-514
The Israel Analytical Chemistry Society will appreciate sponsorships from academia, research organizations, industry, and public bodies; you are invited to show your support for the IACS and become a sponsor.
For more information regarding sponsorship please contact:
Amir Malka, Adv.
BioForum Applied Knowledge Center
5 Golda Meir st., Weizmann Science Park,
Ness Ziona, Israel
POB 4034 Ness-Ziona 70400, Israel
Tel: +972-(0)8-931-3070
Mobile: +972-(0)50-266-3899
Fax: +972-(0)8-931-3071
E-mail: amir@bioforum.co.il
Website: www.bioforum.co.il |
2011 Platinum Sponsorship:
2011 Gold Sponsorship:
2011 In
Cooperation With:
DAC-EuCheMS - The
Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European
Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences |
- Cooperation on International Traceability
in Analytical Chemistry
- The International Society of Electrochemistr y
2011 Conference
Stephen & Nancy Grand Water Research Institute |