Scientific Program
Day 2, February 8, 2011
This program is not final and susceptible to be modified
note: Due to lack of
space only the name of the presenting author appears
in the Scientific Program and all co-authors appear on the abstracts linked to
the lectures' titles.
Coffee Break, Posters & Vendors Exhibition |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Hall C |
Hall D |
Session H
Pharmaceutical Analysis II
Chair: Raphy Bar
Session I
Nanotechnology & Biosensors
Chair: Igal Bar Ilan
Session J
Spectroscopy and Thermal Analysis
Chair: Israel Schechter
Session K
Chair: Daniel Mandler
Keynote Lecture:
Biomolecular Nanostructure-Modified Electrodes For Biosensing
Ran Tel-Vered et al.
Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Meet The Regulator and The Pharmacopeia
Questions and Answers
By Steven Kozlowski
and Karen A. Russo
Vice President, Small Molecules USP, USA

For presentation of Dr. Karen Russo please click here
Chemical Analysis of Nanomaterials with Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy
Peng Zhang
Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

Considerations and Solutions in Interfacing a Thermogravimetric Analyzer with FTIR and GC-MS in Series
Stefano Pera
PerkinElmer Italia, Monza, Italy

Electrochemical Determination of Hg(ii) Traces in Aqueous Solutions
Tehila Shahar et al.
Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

11:50 - 12:10 |
Electrokinetics of Nanochannels: A New Paradigm for Bio-molecular Detection and Ion Permselective Devices
Gilad Yossifon et al.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Flash DSC – A Quantum Leap In DSC Performance
Gidi Wilenski et al.
Agentek Ltd, Tel Aviv, Israel

Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) Transducers For Sensing Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions
Giuliano Bellapadrona
Dept. of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

12:10 - 12:30 |
Immuno - (aptamers) Nano-modiffied Biosensors for Diagnosis
Harold Braustein
Biotechnology and Molecular Microbiology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

The Utilization of Inline FTIR and Flow Technology for Real Time Reaction Optimization and Monitoring
Gyorgy Dorman et al.
ThalesNano, H-1031 Budapest, Zhony u.7., Hungary

Gold Nanofiber as a Platform for Electorchemical Biosensors and Biofuel Cells
S. Marx et al.
Department of physical Chemistry, Israel Institute for Biochemical Research

12:30 - 13:50 |
Lunch, Posters & Vendors Exhibition
13:50 – 14:00 |
Coffee Break, Posters & Vendors Exhibition |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Hall C |
Session L
Chair: Ovadia Lev |
Session M
Environmental, Agriculture & Food
Chair: Dror Avisar
Session N
Validation, Data Processing and Patents
Chair: Orna Dreazen |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Keynote Lecture:
5975-SMB – A New Supersonic GC-MS with Advanced Capabilities
Aviv Amirav et al.
School of Chemistry,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Keynote Lecture:
Erythromycin Degradation Products in Various Aquatic Environments-Identification and Detection
Igal Gozlan
Hydrochemistry Laboratory, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Keynote Lecture:
Out-of-Specification Test Results and Distribution of Multi-Component Test Results for Monitoring Pesticide Residues in Tomatoes
Ilya Kuselman et al.
The National Physical Laboratory of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

Analyzing Adulterated Aircraft Engine Oil with Hydraulic Oil Using Chromatoprobe/GC/MS as a Direct Insertion Device into the GC Injector, and the Tip of a Needle to Sample the Oil
Zeev Amoyal et al.
ISI, Israel
Terahertz Spectroscopy: A new Spectral Range Providing New Information
Quantification of Polymorph Contamination in an Agrochemical – A case study
Uri Zadok
Novatrans Group SA, Herzliyya, Israel
Prodrugs And Active Metabolites – Patent Protection And Infringement
Yigal Fraenkel
Reinhold Cohn and Partners, Tel Aviv, Israel

16:20 - 16:40 |
Determination of TCP & TOCP in Air by Thermal Desorption (TD) GCMS
Igal Bar Ilan
Department of Analytical Chemistry, MIGAL-Galilee Technologic Center, Kiryat-Shmona, Israel

Finding The Needle In The Hay - Analysis Of Complex Environmental Samples By Lc-Ms/Ms
Ran Rosen
Agentek, Israel

Advanced Tools for Modern Process Analyzer’s Validation According to ASTM Standards
Ariel Kigel
MODCON, R&D, Acco, Israel

16:40 - 17:00 |
Multidimensional Hplc+Gc-Ms: Extended Use For Non-Volatile And Polar Compounds Using On-Line Derivatization
David Alonso et al.
KONIK-Tech S.A., R&D and Applications Lab., Barcelona, Spain

Chromatographic Analysis of Major Non-structural Carbohydrates, Including Inulin and Starch, in Biological Samples
Michael Raessler
SpecLab, Max Planck Institut Biogeochemie, Jena, Germany
