Chiral Recognition and Separation Mechanisms
A Pre-Conference 1- Day Course
Monday, January 22nd, 2007
09:00 – 18:00, including lunch
By Prof. Nelu Grinberg, Ph.D. 
Senior Principal Scientist
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Chemical Development, Process Development Laboratory
Ridgefield , Connecticut, USA
The course will focus on specific interactions between the enantiomeric analytes and each specific chiral stationary phase, rather than the techniques used to separate enantiomers. This approach will allow the participants to understand the strategies for development of a separation of enantiomers. The conditions to achieve each type of interaction will be presented.
- Introduction
- Separation of Enantiomers through the Formation of Diastereomers
- Main Types of Molecular Interactions leading to Enantiomeric Separation and Thermodynamics Aspects of Enantiomeric Separation.
- Mixed types of interactions
- Ligand Exchange
- Tailor-made Sorbents
- Chiral Mobile Phases
- Strategies for method development in chiral separation
For full information and registration form please click here
Advances in Fundamental and Instrumental Spectroscopy - New Opportunities
A Pre-Conference 1- Day Course
Monday January 22nd, 2007
09:00 - 15:00, including lunch
By Distinguished Prof. G.M. Hieftje 1
and Prof. I.B. Brenner 2
1 Robert & Marjorie Mann Chair in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, Indiana University
Bloomington , Indiana
2 Environmental Analytical Laboratory
Jerusalem Israel
1. Advances in Atomic Spectrometry
a. Analytical glow discharges
i. Glow discharges – the most versatile source
ii. Glow discharge fundamentals
iii. Atmospheric-pressure glow discharges
iv. Applications of glow discharges
b. Inductively Coupled Plasmas (ICPs)
i. Basic features of ICPs
1. Instrumentation
2. Figures of merit
3. Comparison of commercial instrumentation
4. Spectral and matrix interferences
ii. Fundamental studies of the ICP
1. Diagnostic methods
2. Electron features
3. Gas-kinetic temperatures
4. Species distribution
iii. Dealing with emission-based ICP matrix interferences
1. Approaches for limiting matrix interferences
2. Traditional methods (standard additions, etc.)
3. New methods that employ spatial resolution
4. Axially viewed ICPs, advantages and disadvantages
iv. ICP-mass spectrometry
1. Alternative mass spectrometers
2. Figures of merit
3. Interferences and dealing with them
2. Other new methods, devices, and systems
a. New light source for high-precision, trouble-free spectroscopy
b. Fiber-optic sensors
c. Ion-mobility spectrometry
For full information and registration form please click here