Call for Papers
The deadline for submission of abstacts for ORAL presentations is over.
At present submissions are accepted only for the waiting list. |
Deadline for submission of abstacts for POSTER presentations: January 5th, 2007 |
The conference proceedings will be published in a special issue of the international Journal Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. The papers for this issue have to be submitted until February 28th, 2007 and they will be subjected to peer reviewing
If you wish to submit an oral (waiting list) or poster presentation please send an abstract as a Word document attached to an e-mail message to Prof. Israel Schechter at:
according to the instructions listed below:
Instructions for poster presenters:
Size: The poster size should be maximum 90 cm (W) by 120 cm (H).
Location: You will identify the location of your board by your poster number.
Time: Please place your poster on your board no later than 08:00 on January 23rd, and remove it after 17:00 on January 24th.
Availability: The presenter is expected to be available near his/her poster at least during the poster session (as will be noted on the Scientific Program) and during the breaks.
Language: All posters will be presented in English.
The presenters of the best posters will be awarded a certificate and a prize. The amount of NIS 5000 has been allocated for this purpose. The Best Poster Prize will be granted for both scientific merit and presentation quality.
- The e-mail message should include:
- The topic of your abstract, according to the topics listed under “Scientific
- Your preference of presentation method: poster or oral
The Organizing Committee will take your preferences for topic and method of presentation into consideration when final decisions are made regarding the scientific program.
- The abstract must be submitted in English
- The abstract should be submitted only according to the format detailed below.
Format for abstract submission:
The full abstract should be no longer than one A4 page, with margins of 2.5cm.
Times New Roman, size 12, except for title.
Title of abstract:
Text in Bold, UPPER CASE, font: size 14, centered.
First name and Surname of each author, bold, Upper and Lower Case, centered. The presenting author’s name should be underlined with full affiliation details provided on the next line.
Name of company, department and institution, city, country, e-mail, font: bold, centered. Include affiliation of all co-authors if different from the presenting author.
Single line spacing. Begin each new paragraph on a separate, spaced line. Headings: bold, each on a separate line.
Please use the following method of citation if you include references: A. Abcdefg, I. Hijklm and R.B. Nopqrs, [title of reference]. [name of journal / book + chapter] [journal issue number], [pages], [year]
Acknowledgements: Optional.
For an example of abstract - please click here
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